Ne relâchons pas l'effort !
ELM - Edge
First Aid 4 Souls - New Sensation
77XE - Victoria
Electronic Frequency - Broken Dream
The Firm Inc. - BUTF (Brotherhood & Unity)
e - Prime Cuts
Nash the Slash - Wolf
Legend & Solstafir - Runaway Train (Live)
Finkseye - Beryllium Blue
Titan - Highland
Youth Code - Doghead
Sølve - Løses
Chassalla - Oblivion (Radio mix)
Severe Illusion - Girl with knive in her hand
Nigra Nebula - Begierde '92
Far East - Lighthouse
Ortrotasce - The Body
Cyber Axis - State Of Trust (Remix)
Albums of the week
ELM - HardlineFirst Aid 4 Souls - Trashcathedral

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