jeudi 20 février 2025

Electraumatisme du 20/02/2025

Compte-rendu du passage de Spike Hellis et Adult. à Lyon dans cette édition régulière d'Electraumatisme. On leur souhaite bien du courage lorsqu'il leur faudra retourner à la base.

Larva - Carne De Rata
Solemn Assembly - Shattered Neon
The Cassandra Complex - Nazi Goths Fuck Off (Suzi Sabotage Cover)
Whitar - Malware
NordarR - Freunde
Leaether Strip - Here I come
Notausgang - In the name of Dust
Div|der - Relentless At The Heart (feat. Martin Sax) -radio edit-
The Frozen Autumn - Your touch
Videograve - Voorhees
Pierrepoint - Remain undone
Trumpets & Drums - Mother Technology
Cryogeny - External Pressure, Internal Pressure

Release of the week



mercredi 12 février 2025

Playlist Electraumatisme du 12/02/2025 - Les tréfonds du Brésil

Pas vraiment de samba dans la seconde partie de cette édition d'Electraumatisme consacrée à la production brésilienne mais plutôt l'exploration d'une compilation qui rappellera probablement des souvenirs au présentateur d'Extérieur Nuit.

Leaether Strip - Are You Serious?
Meta Meat - Outward
Implant - this clown is for hire
Human Vault - In Peace May You Leave The Shore
Morgue - Upside Down
Deadjump – Post Mortem
Kult of Yeshoua - La machine du crépuscule
Simbolo – Protocol Six
kFactor - If You, Bratislava
Bad Cock – Dave's Dead
Neural Transmission - Ancient Symbols
Individual Industry - Paradise
Psychemist - Electropolis
Volv Uncion – Cold Blessing

Releases of the week



mercredi 5 février 2025

Electraumatisme du 05/02/2025

La joyeuse gueule de bois préméditée à l'idée de voir Wulfband à Nice en avril ne doit pas nous faire oublier l'exercice hebdomadaire. Voici donc la livraison régulière d'Electraumatisme avec un peu de tout datant d'un peu n'importe quand.

Whitar - Deadbite
ee:man - Hold on Hope
Anima Mundi - Joan of Arc
Human Vault - Believer By Vile Tears
Soft Vein - Falling
The Frozen Autumn - Another Tear
Retractor - Vindicate by blood
Anima Mundi - Orbital Decay
NordarR - Neues Von Gestern
3 Miles From Here - Heroes
Archon Of The Fairlight - Wax and Wane (Cocteau Twins)
The Orphobia - Time Out
Black Agent - Modern Mannequins
Decada 2 - Nunca es tarde para saludar al futuro

Release of the week



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mardi 28 janvier 2025

Playlist Electraumatisme du 28/01/2025 - Authentik Dark Electro & the Fixer (une fois de plus)

Ils l'auraient mérité mais pas d'édition spéciale en hommage aux Frontmen qui ont tiré leur révérence ce samedi, de toute façon "vous savez" et convaincus que vous avez tout ce qu'il faut dans vos appareils en la matière, cette semaine Electraumatisme explore encore la Dark-Electro à travers les âges avec un focus spécifique sur l'école texane.

Retractor - Inhibitor of seven
Anima Mundi - Better Future
Human Vault - Human anthology
Putrefy Factor 7 – Agony (Final Station)
MC1R – false Friend (Pyrroline Remix)
Mainesthai - Therapy (Molestation mix)
Mildreda - Devil's Gaze ==> Blue Devilled
Benestrophe - Pig Butcher (Hogwild)
Mind Area - Die Lektion
Mentallo & the Fixer - Brute Force Uploading (Intravascular Terror)
Mind Area - Parasite
Mind Teardown - Hunger
Volatile Artillery - OD (version)

Releases of the week



Anima Mundi - Another World III


Download :

mercredi 22 janvier 2025

Electraumatisme du 22/01/2025

Comme souvent, nous soufflons le chaud et le froid avant de plonger dans la poussière des bandes magnétiques oubliées dans la seconde partie de cette édition régulière d'Electraumatisme.

Soft Vein - Through Blinds
Human Vault - Killing fields
Kreign - Don’t Force The Hand
Profligate - Black Plate
Pineal Scream - Vermilion Shine
The Frozen Autumn - In the nightime
Frontal - Laufen
Network Access - (In-)Sanity
Bigod 20 - Retortion (Green - Eye - Instrumental - Mix)
Juniper Hill - Kein Kommentar
Kqdelirium - Delete
STG - Shut it Down (QIXONI MIX)

Release of the week



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samedi 18 janvier 2025

Kitchen Notes : Kreign on III

Les oreilles en Europe mais les pieds aux Etats-Unis, Kreign vient de livrer un album qui colle une patate pas possible. Voici quelques infos sur la façon dont cette bonne claque de III a été produite, avec une surprise : s'agirait-il du premier groupe à faire de l'Electronic Bidou Music ?

The ears in Europe but the feet in US, Kreign just delivered an uncredibly uplifting album. Here are some info on how this blasting III has been produced with a suprise : are we talking about the first band to make Electronic Belly Music here ?


Gears and software

What gears/softwares did you use for III ?

  • Nord Lead 2
  • Access Virus Ti Polar
  • Korg Monotron Delay
  • Roland JU-06A

Your favorite gear(s)/software(s) ?

  • Cubase 10.5
  • Serum


Any evolution in your setup ?

The Juno was the latest addition for hardware. We did invest into a lot of new synths, but most of the music was finished by the time we got them.
On “II” we used Massive a lot. We are almost exclusively using Serum now.

Sound Design

Do you use/tweak presets  ?

Not any more. We usually start with our own sound patch we used for a different song or just start from scratch. On “II” we used some presets off of the Access Virus.

Do you design you own sound  ? On which synth/plugin in particular ?

We love designing with the Nord Lead 2 and Serum.

Any particular synth history  ?

When using the Nord Lead 2, we would play the notes off of the computer through midi. Xian and I would both use both hands to tweak the knobs while recording. It was usually attack, decay, fm amount, cutoff, resonance, pitch bend, and the wheel. We would do a lot of takes and try to surprise each other with the sounds. The wilder the better. We would usually start laughing with how crazy things got. We would really push the sound too far, but then ask, “is it too far or is it not far enough?”

Writing/composing method

What would be your main writing/composing method ? Do you start classical rythm/bassline then arrange around it ? Do you already have structure in mind ? Do you improvise, record sessions then select ? ...

It depends on what inspires us. Sometimes it is a bassline in my head and I would sound it out with “doot doot” noises for a scratch track. I made a video about this: 

Sometimes, it is a drum sound or a creepy atmospheric sample. Sometimes it is a lyric, such as “Ignition”. I really wanted to repeat the last two syllables for the chorus; “Start the Ignition –nition –nition!”

Producing/mixing method

Do you produce/mix in the box or do you use mainly external gears (effect/comp/eq...)

Nothing external. Mostly Cubase default plugins.

What is your most painful / enjoyable step in track production ? Sound design, arrangement, mixing, mastering ?

Our most painful process is getting our vocals EQed similarly. Usually his voice is very deep and mine is very thin.
We love it when we get the bassline just right in the mix and we play it really loud in the studio.


Kreign's tips

Don’t be afraid to pump the treble on your synths by 12db or more. When mixing, I will turn the master volume really low so I can hear what is coming through the mix. It is something I would not notice at normal volume and especially when it is loud.

Contact info


mercredi 15 janvier 2025

Playlist Electraumatisme du 15/01/2025 - Souvenirs du Canada (bon du Québec en fait)

Après avoir évoqué la disparition de Brian Bothwell le 10 janvier, la seconde partie de cette édition d'Electraumatisme est consacrée à la production canadienne, l'occasion d'évoquer un souvenir de Montreal à la sortie de vieux CD des étagères.


Manufacture - As The End Draws Near (Extended Remix)
Pineal Scream - Parameters Unbound
The Ultimate Dreamers - Replicant
iVardensphere - Acheron (feat. God Module)
DBas(s)ed - Please believe
Kindest Cuts - Cold Eyes
DJ Mini – Chronicles
Kontravoid - Native state
Glenn Love - What Fresh hell is this ?
Mangled Meat - Melancholia
Mind Confusion - Entropy
Hypnos - Mother
Mind Confusion - Insoutenable réalité

Release of the week




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dimanche 12 janvier 2025

Kitchen Notes : Electron7 on The Singularity

Un rapide coup d’œil sur le home studio où le projet belge Electron7 a produit son dernier album The Singularity alertant sur les dangers de l'IA dans cette kitchen notes express.

A quick look at the home studio where the belgium project Electron7 produced his last album The Singularity warning on IA dangers.



Gears and software

What gears/softwares did you use for The Singularity ?

Roland SH201, Korg R3, MicroKorg
Cubase (+plugins).

Your favorite gear(s)/software(s) ?

Arturia, Native Instruments, Universal Audio

Sound Design

Do you use/tweak presets  ?


Do you design you own sound  ? On which synth/plugin in particular ?

Yes ( Roland SH201, Korg R3, MicroKorg)

Writing/composing method

What would be your main writing/composing method ? Do you start classical rythm/bassline then arrange around it ? Do you already have structure in mind ? Do you improvise, record sessions then select ? ...

Sometimes I start with a theme, sometimes a bass line, sometimes a melody, this can vary

Producing/mixing method

Do you produce/mix in the box or do you use mainly external gears (effect/comp/eq...)

In the box, only the vocal is recorded true a extern vocal processor (Symetrix 528E)

What is your most painful / enjoyable step in track production ? Sound design, arrangement, mixing, mastering ?

I like all of it!

Contact info



mercredi 8 janvier 2025

Electraumatisme du 08/01/2025

Retour aux éditions régulières d'Electraumatisme cette semaine avec une nouveauté presque en rapport avec cette période de galette des rois (voir le groupe en question sur scène).

Kreign - Dark triad
Irradiated With Sound - Follow Me
Cardinal Noire - Gun Metal
Simbolo - Overview Of Terrorism
Penetrate The Facade - Scars of your Soul
electron7 - The singularity's whisper
Kreign - In That Frame of Mind
Profligate - Loose a little
Demon Machine - Insane forest
A Industrya - Temporary Loss
Soft Vein - Falling
Linea Aspera - Preservation Bias (K7 Version)

Release of the week